Sunday, January 11, 2009

Our New House?

This post was supposed to have pictures of the house that we put an offer on yesterday but I can only tell you how beautiful it is. I know that won't convey what I want you to see but I have no choice. When we packed up at our hotel in Ft. Myers this morning and happily went off to church we left our external hard drive sitting on the bed in the hotel room. Yes, it has all of our house pictures on it. It contains ALL of our pictures and lots more. It is how Bill keeps his computer from getting too much stuff crammed on it so he put everything that he could on his external hard drive and now it is gone. I called the nice lady at the hotel and she checked the lost and found and she found-nothing. Someone found a few clothes in a room but no one turned in anything technical so it looks like it may really be lost. Anyway, it is a really cool house and we will know by tomorrow night whether it is ours or not. So, for those of you to whom I promised pictures, sorry, I have none. I do have them in my memory but that only helps me, not you. Now I need to go and try to cheer my honey. He is rather bumbed out from losing so much of his recorded details and so many irreplaceable pictures. If our offer is accepted tomorrow we will go back down next month and take new pictures and transfer them to a CD.

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